Monday, January 3, 2011

TyPezZZ of emotions that EXIST ..... =)

EXpression of emotionZZZ...

The more type of emotions we feel, the more colorful our life experience will be. It is not that we can’t experience a wide array of emotions, rather it is because we often label different emotions into a common group like happy or sad that we forget to experience that emotion for what it is.
list of human emotionsTake happy. There is happy, ecstatic, cheerful, relax, exited, exhilarated etc. All those emotions are unique in their own way but we usually label it as happy. By doing that we unintentionally take away it’s characteristics and thus take away our experience.
Below is a list of human emotions to remind you of the emotions that we humans are capable of experiencing. I have included both positive and negative emotions. Experience as much positive emotions as you can.

Ok so here is the list: 

Postive Human Emotions


At the same time, notice that sometimes your negative emotions may not be as intense as you think. It depends on how we label the emotion. Perhaps you are not angry, rather just irritated. Or not disappointed but just frustrated.

Negative human emotions




  Final thoughts….
Always remember that there are so many types of emotions out there. Come back to this list of human emotions frequently and check how many did you experience. A life rich with emotions is a rich life.

Now go out there and enjoy every experience you have.

Self Improvement Mentor is not just about sharing tips for increasing productivity or becoming smarter. Rather the information here approaches self improvement through total alignment and integration of the whole being to support the outcome. True lasting success can only exist when the soul, mind, body and emotions are aligned.

Brief INTRO to EMotiONzzzZ.....

....emotic emotions....

Just a short brief explanation of what is emotions before i ZOOM into my three types of favourite
Emotions, often called feelings, include experiences such as love, hate, anger, trust, joy, panic, fear, and grief. Emotions are related to, but different from, mood. Emotions are specific reactions to a particular event that are usually of fairly short duration. Mood is a more general feeling such as happiness, sadness, frustration, contentment, or anxiety that lasts for a longer time.
Although everyone experiences emotions, scientists do not all agree on what emotions are or how they should be measured or studied. Emotions are complex and have both physical and mental components. Generally researchers agree that emotions have the following parts: subjective feelings, physiological (body) responses, and expressive behavior.

Read more: Emotions - body, causes, What Are Emotions?

Monday, December 20, 2010

aDuLTzzzz arTWork .... ( Precedent Studies)...

This is image shows in three different segments 
but all narrowing down to one
thing that is FAMILY LOVE...

This is photograph shows a very clear cut of what a family
is all about ... "LOVE"...

This is image show the unity in a family...

This image shows the protection that a family

This image shows a tree which graphically to me
describes the strength and the unity of the
family to grow this tree as in how to build 
the family.

This picture shows that love of a family is wide range like
the sky but the love never stops showering...

This image shows how the love in the family is
being kept blooming at all time...

This image shows the word love but how the love branches 
out is being visualized in this picture... 

TEEn attrACtioN IMagesS.. ( Precedent Studies)...

This picture show integration between music and

This image suits with how teenagers comes about club where
they get attracted to the song played in MTV.

This image show typography, which leads to music and
the dj's that spin in the club usual have this 
head sets on them...

This image is how a dj spins in the club...

 Desktop Wallpaper-s > Vector > I Love Techno Music
This image above show 'I LOVE TECHNO' 
simply because club plays electro 
house music...

This image shows how a club dance floor would be like 
mostly at all nite club times...

This image shows the genre of techno of a dj 
in the house...

I liked the typography style which mixed and 
matched the simple head set drawing by
the side of it...

This image is graffiti kinda design image...Slightly a
different change of style of artwork...

A sample of navigation kinds artwork...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

piCtUrEZzzz that gives me a inspiration to my topic .. ( PRECEDENT STUDIES )

The eye is the attraction that pulls in the character
very powerfully....

  This picture shows a great extraordinary facial expression
that is not usually seen through out the scene.
There for it is attractive to me...

This picture here i chose is simple because it
is simple in the 1st place which makes it easy for
me to do a navigation artwork.

This picture is to show the character that loves
to catch jelly fish...

Spongebob Squarepants

This image is more to a funky colorful kinda
thingy which would be attractive to 

This is image setting of bikini bottom
of where spongbob stays..
This may help in adding additional 
items to add to the artwork.

Basically this are my chosen picture images which I think it mite be useful 
for me to use went I wanna do 
my artwork.... =)

AdulTzZZZ ... ( big tyme of their life ) ... =)


Adults are people from the range of 40-50 years old that i m studying on. Based on my research most people at this age have achieved what they wan in life. Their inner voices are basically more specific to needs and wants... and what i found is 
It comes within the heart to raise the family. To fill the emptiness of a child who needs extra love and care. To be there as parent to guide the foot steps of their child...

The family of fame but yet love is never set apart ... Family love.

Teen Teen TEENAGERS ... 0_0...

Most teenagers from the range of 19 - 25 years old are to the clubs mostly at nite.. Since music has become their passion, dance floors, drink such as Carlsberg, tiger , blacklabel and etc has become the upper most priority in life.. It is their peak of their life where they are prone to music, clubs and drink.. Further more they are being influence by their mates, friends to club.. It is more like  IN THING to most teenagers...

Here ia some information on :


nightclub (also known simply as a clubdiscothèque or disco) is an entertainment venue which usually operates late into the night. A nightclub is generally distinguished from barspubs or taverns by the inclusion of a dance floor and a DJ booth, where a DJ plays recorded dance, hip hop, rock, reggae and pop music.

The music in nightclubs is either live bands or, more commonly, a mix of songs played by a DJ through a powerful PA system. Most clubs or club nights cater to certain music genres, such as technohouse musictranceheavy metalgaragehip hop,salsadancehallDrum and BassDubstep or soca music. Many clubs also promote playing the Top 40 which has most of the night playing the most broadcast songs of the previous week.

Famous dj around among teenzzz :