Sunday, December 19, 2010

piCtUrEZzzz that gives me a inspiration to my topic .. ( PRECEDENT STUDIES )

The eye is the attraction that pulls in the character
very powerfully....

  This picture shows a great extraordinary facial expression
that is not usually seen through out the scene.
There for it is attractive to me...

This picture here i chose is simple because it
is simple in the 1st place which makes it easy for
me to do a navigation artwork.

This picture is to show the character that loves
to catch jelly fish...

Spongebob Squarepants

This image is more to a funky colorful kinda
thingy which would be attractive to 

This is image setting of bikini bottom
of where spongbob stays..
This may help in adding additional 
items to add to the artwork.

Basically this are my chosen picture images which I think it mite be useful 
for me to use went I wanna do 
my artwork.... =)

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