Monday, October 25, 2010

the REALM OF EMOTIONS within... WHAt is IT????


Emotions are something that cant be defined in a simple manner. Facial expressions - the look in a person's eye, the tone of the voice, the reaction of their act all shows what type of feeling they are.

There is no single definition of the term emotion. However, experts indicate that the following elements are essential:
  • An emotion is a mental state that is usually accompanied by physical changes, facial expressions, or actions.
  • An emotion occurs if a personal interest is interfered with or encouraged.
  • An emotion is accompanied by a tendency to undertake action.
There are four basic emotions: anger, happiness, fear, and sadness.

Two types of Human Emotions

Researchers on emotions mostly agree on the existence of two types of human emotions:
  1. Primary emotions
  2. Secondary emotions.
A primary human emotion types are the one triggered in response to an event, for example:Anger
Secondary human emotions types are the group of emotions that follow that types of emotions. If we experience fear , the secondary emotions would be : feel threatened or feel anger , depending on the situation we are experiencing.

List of negative human Emotions

  1. Fear
  2. Anger
  3. Guilt
  4. Depression 
  5. Pride
  6. Jealousy
  7. Self-pity
  8. Anxiety
  9. Resentment
  10. Envy
  11. Frustration
  12. Shame
  13. Denial.
  14. Offended.
  15. Negative.
  16. Regret. .
  17. Resentful.
  18. Sad.
  19. Worried.
  20. Grief.

List of positive human Emotions

  1. Love
  2. Appreciation
  3. Happiness
  4. Hope
  5. Enthusiasm
  6. Vitality
  7. Confidence
  8. Gratitude
  9. Patient
  10. Trust
  11. Vulnerable
  12. Optimistic
  13. Appreciative
  14. Ashamed
  15. Astonis
Example of emotion icons :

Here are some videos that express certain type of emotions:

This video revolves on the perception of love emotions. This video has made an impact on me personal as i watched it for I felt a lover emotion in me at the 
end of this video.. 
Do watch the video to get into the mood and feeling of LOVE... 

Based on my thoughts and personal emotions, EMOTIONS are something being created by ourselves.. our inner being... 
May it be good or bad vibrant but emotions do show clearly its self thorough our 
own expression physical or mentally...
It is something you got to come within to be felt and to be in...
Emotions is like a mirror that reflects to what we are inner souls are being
touched and effected on..
EMOTIONS is a daily thing that all of us go through and beware that emotions
play a major role in one's life for it gives an impact.. =)

Here are some pictures that pictures emotions :

This is an image of sad emotion facial expression....

This is an image of anger emotion facial expression.

This is an image of love emotion .

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