Sunday, December 19, 2010

tHe EFFECTS of iNner VoiceszZzz....

Your self talk is what you are saying to yourself mentally. The inner talk is always out of your conscious awareness and spoken so low that you can't hear it. If you are aware, you will hear your own voice or someone else's.

The talks are either negative or positive and are also in the form of mental pictures. Most are negative statements voicing your fears. The talking going on inside determines your emotions moment to moment. When you talk to yourself,images appear on your mind. These pictures affect your mood, attitudes and decisions.

This is why you don't take action or decide to do what you outwardly say you would. You sabotage yourself because your inner talk and images are telling you why you shouldn't. Your mind tries to protect you from disappointments and making mistakes based on childhood memories or past experiences.

So you don't act upon your goals and dreams. You lose faith in yourself. Your self confidence plummets, your self esteem dwindles and you criticize yourself further. You affirm to yourself the image of a failure. If it's not interrupted or stopped, it's going to become your mantra.

"To listen to what's deep inside
It is the hardest thing 
To let go from the heart what hides 
You deserve to listen." 
- Susan Herrick -

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