Sunday, December 19, 2010


You have to interrupt your self-talk. In order to do so, you have to be aware of them. Catch your intrapersonal communication. Stop in the middle of whatever you are doing at intervals and ask yourself questions like, "What am I thinking?" or "How am I feeling?"

And then ask yourself if the things you are saying are true? Tell yourself that it's not true anymore and that you are better than what you were thinking. Replace them with positive statements.

Write down what you were thinking, hearing or seeing.
 By writing down, it'll enable you to notice your self-talk. You'll become aware of your feelings and experiences. You voice inside could be telling you that things are not worth doing.

You will also notice the language that you are using to describe your thoughts. Your words have the power to affect your life. With that knowledge, you can word them differently and change your internal dialog.

Notice the patterns and find the triggers.
How do you talk to yourself and what do you say at different time of the day? When does it appear? What are your thoughts when you are in a different situation or with new people? Do you hear yourself being self critical when things do not seem to work out?

Find the triggers as soon as you notice a critical voice. Trace the root of it. You may uncover a belief attached to it. You may even identify the person who has conditioned and programmed your mind to accept the critical opinion.

Replace these with positive statements. Tell yourself that what happened before does not have to repeat and that from now on you are going to take a different action.


Your self-talk and mental pictures have affected your self image. Change that mental picture. Visualize yourself as a confident person in different situations. Picture it clearly. See yourself in it. Repeat this exercise several times a day. When your mind keeps seeing this picture, it believes that it's true. This new image will replace the old programming.

Learn to meditate.

Don't worry. You don't have to go through any weird procedure. What you need to do is put aside about 30 minutes alone each day.

Sit upright or lie down. Breathe deeply through your nose. If you are breathing right, you can feel your stomach rising. Let the air fill your lungs. Release your breath slowly through your mouth.

Be still. Don't let your mind wonder and think of your worries and concern. To avoid it focus on your breathing. Keep doing it. This exercise will allow you to relax. Being in a relaxed state makes it easy for you to visualize and reprogram your mind.

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