Monday, November 15, 2010

It is L.O.V.E. that i FEEL....( emotion according to the quote)

What does the quote impact my emotion into?????  - LOVE

Love is the answer to my quote. It is filled with the voices of love.
1st of all what is love ??? Have you thought about it? You and I live in a world of love most of time thought hatred may be in the presents but some part of us lies this emotion called
 Well love may be just be a emotion if you dun put your heart and soul to you. You got to feel, make it be a part of you .. filled in your blood running through your veins giving you oxygen to carry on life.
 To me this is what LOVE meanzzZZZZzzz  :

1) To trust and to never believe a third part when it comes to love.
2) To forgive and forget each other
3) To always be there through thick n thin
4) To be there as friend to make a comfortable conversation at times
5) Understanding 
6) To be a good listener 
7) To be humble 
8) To be extra unique then others
9) Sharing every single bit you have together 
10) AlwayZZZZZzzz never let go no matter what happenzzz  =)

Here are some inspirational words more or like postcards love

Sunday, November 14, 2010

.......The CHOSEN caption among captionZzzz......

A scene from the movie 'WEST SIDE STORY'.....

"Make of our hands one hand. Make of our hearts one heart. Make of our vows one last vow. Only death will part us now"

Definition based on my personal feeling.. =)

I see, I feel, I sense, ALL OVER ME, this quote that sings like 
"Make of our hands one hand. Make of our hearts one heart. Make of our vows one last vow. 
Only death will part us now"  
It is all about LOVE LOVE LOVE.... name it you hear it. The voices within speaks of L.O.V.E.
Thus, my feelings grew stronger into discovering and exploring into this emotion called
Somehow to be frank, I have this inner desire, a soft spot when it comes to love.
I believe that love is something unique. It can not be really expressed by how it beginZZZZ nor endZZZZZ because you can never find an end to LOVE...
It is a never ending journey... ENDLESS it is called for it knowz no starting nor ending point.
This quote is my best among the best that i have found..
Simple because i love WEDDINGZZZ.. especially christian wantzzzz...
They have this saying that is more or like similar to this quote.. It goes something like this 

: - I ( Bride /Groom), take you ( Groom/Bride), to be my ( wife/husband), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.

See this verse is more alike, like the quote i have chosen as to be studied on .... the quote i have chosen have a deep meaning within it as how i see it.. i may not know about others but for me for sure it does play a deep impact.
The emotion that it evolves with is love. It says love is about holding hands. Two palm joins into one walking down the path of love that await as one. Being there side by side for each other no matter what happens like thorough THICK and THIN.
Next make two hearts which was once a soul ranger and when the illumination of two hearts have said YES to love each other it becomes one. Meaning not wanting to hurt each other in any tiny ways either.
Simple because knowing the heart is a fragile heaven made love it is made ONE for what you feel is what i feel.. As much as I LOVE MYSELF, I WILL LOVE YOU....
Vows is a  part of some sort declaration. It is all about ,we expressing our inner voices and making them real to the end of time till death do us apart. How many times have we said this and that, the amount of promises we make and break them most of the time but yet love surrounds us back together... 
It is the vow we say to each other to never walk this walk alone. No matter what happens it is 
And finally, it is only you and me ( US) will be put us apart at death. Since death is the only way, we will never meet again till in heaven , therefore it is only death will put us part... Till then no one will ever separate us for it is HEAVEN MADE LOVE.

Here are few scene that can be matched with the caption :
Hands being held as one , as the heart beats one love, the vows made while the eyes are in contact
and finally only the steps of heaven's gate can
do them apart.

Hands sealed together YOUR's and MINE. No matter where you go
I will be there with you. My heart sings ONE VOICE that is you
My vows last for you till death takes you away
for your my love.....

L. O. V. E.    I feel it all over as read this quote..  This is love.... =)
 The power of words alone that can capture LOVE..... 
No wonder it is a beautiful thing to be had and have in YOUR life...

Monday, November 1, 2010

BLACK keys and WHITE keys of a piano too effects emotionZZZZ... =)

How Does Music Affect Emotions?

The melody of a music plays a song of emotion to your HEART.

Have you ever listened to the music in horror movies? What about the music in inspirational or Disney movies? What kind of music do you listen to when your sad? What kind of music do you listen to when you are happy?? Since we are all human beings we all experience joy, anger, sadness and other feelings like those. We all have a ton of emotions that control how we act and what we say. Our emotions are triggered by many things. One of those things is Music.

Music has the ability to change the emotional and physical status of people, whether they are in bad moods, good moods, or sad moods. Music can also make people feel suspense or excitement during a movie. I have first hand experience with having music change my mind set and having music make me feel better about things. I have also done research on this subject. Everyone in this room has had music affect them in some way. Whether it be through a movie or thought a CD. Over the next 6 minutes I will touch on the different ways that music changes peoples moods; How music can make your emotions change and how music makes movies suspenseful or inspiring. The music in movies is so much more than just drums or guitars. It has a specific meaning to the movie. 

Here are few links for love emotional songs....

Here are few links for sad emotional songs...

Here are few links for happy emotions...

Here are few links for angry emotions...


Where does this color VS emotion take us to???

Colors have a strong psychological effect. 
The following table gives a list of emotions associated with different colors.
Royal, rich, stately, passionate, subtle but sexy, impressive, alone
BLUESerene, calming, cool, quiet, sleepy, sad
GREENFresh, successful, loving, greedy, restful, calm.
YELLOWSunny, bright, hopeful, optimistic, joyful, clear, positive, alive
ORANGEHappy, cheerful, new, motivated, garish, warm.
PINKSoft, innocent, delicate, feminine, delicious
RED Alert, warning, sexual, aggressive, energetic, cheerful, angry, vital, exciting
HOT COLORSWild, sensual, daring, flashy, vulgar
BLACKSevere, mysterious, sophisticated, glum, depressing, deadly
BROWNWarm, earthy, drab
GRAYWell-informed, subtle, dignified, gloomy, cold
WHITEClean, pure, young, safe, simple

after EFFECTSzzzz of colors being PRESENT in our lives ... =0

Effects of Wall Color on Emotions....

Color and Mood

  • It is interesting to watch children respond to color. Different colored objects evoke different reactions, such as squeals of delight, cautious curiosity, and indifference. The fact that color is intimately linked to our emotional life is something artists have known for centuries. Philosophy and science have also been interested in the relationship between color and our emotional life. Goethe, the great German philosopher, writer and poet, devoted one of his major works to the theory of color. Contemporary science and psychology have explored the ways in which color is linked to our emotions. Different colors actually produce different emotional responses. This is a fact that advertising and interior decorators have made great use of.

  • Types Of Colors

  • Color affect our mood in three distinct ways, producing active, passive, or neutral responses. Contemporary science and psychology have shown that color not only evokes emotional responses and feelings, but it is also useful in helping to promote a sense of well-being and emotional health. Active colors, such as red, orange and yellow, inspire a mood of creativity, energy, and social interaction. Red has even been shown to increase heart rate and body temperature. The passive colors, green, blue and purple, have a soothing and restorative effect on our emotional life. Blue can even slow the heart rate. The calmness and serenity produced by the passive colors may be due to their connection to the colors of nature. The neutral colors, off-whites, pale gray, and beige, have a restful effect. Many doctors' and dentists' offices, as well as hospitals, are decorated in neutral colors.

  • Colors and Space

  • The space of a room is also affected by color. Different colors can produce different visual effects that change the way people perceive the space or size of a room. Lighter colors make rooms seem larger and more airy, while darker rooms produce a more intimate feel.

  • Colorzzzzzz are a major EMOTION PLAYER... =P

    Our life are like this colorful crayon colors... 
    We are all bottled up with different types of emotions but we are only able 
    to use a color at a time..
    Same goes to EMOTIONzzz....
    They are all colored in our lifes at one point at one time...

    Now colors do play a role in expressing our feelings too... May it be from the the choices of colors you choose to wear today already shows that you are in what kinda mood....
    Besides that, it also may be a picture that we are painting or coloring and the type of color choices we mix and match and make the picture complete can also paint a thousand words to the eye of the viewer.....

    Thus here are the :

    Meaning of the Color Blue 

    Meaning, symbolism and psychology of color: All About the Color BLUEBlue is the overwhelming "favorite color." Blue is seen as trustworthy, dependable and committed. The color of sky and the ocean, blue is perceived as a constant in our lives.

    As the collective color of the spirit, it invokes rest and can cause the body to produce chemicals that are calming; however not all blues are serene and sedate. Electric or brilliant blues become dynamic and dramatic, an engaging color that expresses exhilaration.

    Some shades or the overuse of blue may come across as cold or uncaring. Blue is the least "gender specific" color, having equal appeal to both men and women.

    How the color blue affects us physically and mentally
    * Calming and sedate
    * Cooling
    * Aids intuition

    Meaning of the Color Green 

    Meaning, symbolism and psychology of color: All About the Color greenGreen occupies more space in the spectrum visible to the human eye and is second only to blue as a favorite color. Green is the pervasive color in the natural world that is an ideal backdrop in interior design because we are so used to seeing it everywhere.

    The natural greens, from forest to lime, are seen as tranquil and refreshing, with a natural balance of cool and warm (blue and yellow) undertones. Green is considered the color of peace and ecology. However, there is an "institutional" side to green, associated with illness or Government-issued that conjure up negative emotions as do the "slimy" or bilious greens.

    How the color green affects us physically and mentally
    * Soothing
    * Relaxing mentally as well as physically
    * Helps alleviate depression, nervousness and anxiety
    * Offers a sense of renewal, self-control and harmony

    Meaning of the Color Orange 

    Meaning, symbolism and psychology of color: All About the Color orangeOrange, a close relative of red, sparks more controversy than any other hue. There is usually strong positive or negative association to orange and true orange generally elicits a stronger "love it" or "hate it" response than other colors. Fun and flamboyant orange radiates warmth and energy. Interestingly, some of the tones of orange such as terra cotta, peach or rust have very broad appeal.

    How the color orange affects us mentally and physically
    * Stimulates activity
    * Stimulates appetite
    * Encourages socialization

    Meaning of the Color Red 

    Meaning, symbolism and psychology of color: All About the Color redRed has more personal associations than any other color. Recognized as a stimulant red is inherently exciting and the amount of red is directly related to the level of energy perceived. Red draws attention and a keen use of red as an accent can immediately focus attention on a particular element.

    How the color red affects us mentally and physically
    * Increases enthusiasm
    * Stimulates energy
    * Encourages action and confidence
    * A sense of protection from fears and anxiety

    Meaning of the Color Purple 

    Meaning, symbolism and psychology of color: All About the Color purplePurple embodies the balance of red simulation and blue calm. This dichotomy can cause unrest or uneasiness unless the undertone is clearly defined at which point the purple takes on the characteristics of its undertone. A sense of mystic and royal qualities, purple is a color often well liked by very creative or eccentric types and is the favorite color of adolescent girls.

    How the color purple affects us mentally and physically
    * Uplifting
    * Calming to mind and nerves
    * Offers a sense of spirituality
    * Encourages creativity

    Meaning of the Color Brown 

    Meaning, symbolism and psychology of color: All About the Color brownBrown says stability, reliability, and approachability. It is the color of our earth and is associated with all things natural or organic.

    How the color brown affects us physically and mentally
    * Feeling of wholesomeness
    * Stability
    * Connection with the earth
    * Offers a sense orderliness

    Meaning of the Color White 

    Meaning, symbolism and psychology of color: All About the Color whiteWhite projects purity, cleanliness, and neutrality. Doctors don white coats, brides traditionally were white gowns and a white picket fence surrounds a safe and happy home.

    How the color white affects us mentally and physically
    * aids mental clarity
    * encourages us to clear clutter or obstacles
    * evokes purification of thoughts or actions
    * enables fresh beginnings

    Meaning of the Color Gray 

    Meaning, symbolism and psychology of color: All About the Color grayGray is timeless, practical, and solid. A longstanding favorite suit color, gray can mix well with any color. Although well like and often worn, people rarely name gray as a favorite color possibly because Gray also is associated with loss or depression.

    How the color gray affects us physically and mentally
    * unsettling
    * expectant

    Meaning of the Color Black 

    Meaning, symbolism and psychology of color: All About the Color blackBlack is authoritative and powerful; because black can evoke strong emotions too much can be overwhelming. A classic color for clothing possibly because it makes the wearer appear thinner and more sophisticated.

    How the color black affects us physically and mentally
    * feeling inconspicuous
    * a restful emptiness
    * mysterious evoking a sense of potential and possibility.