Monday, November 1, 2010

CAPTIONZZZZZZZZZZZZ....... what does it say behind those words???? i WONDER !!!

IDIOMSzzzzzzzzzz is an expression, word, or phrase that has a
 figurative meaning that is comprehended in regard to a common use of that expression that is separate from the literal meaning or definition of the words of which it is made....

Since my blog is something to do with a personal touch that involves around EMOTIONS
here are some idioms related to it....

  • To be as pleased as Punch = to be really pleased.
  • To be in seventh heaven = to be extremely happy.
  • To be on top of the world = to be really happy.
  • To be thrilled to bits = to be very happy and excited.

  • To be as miserable as sin = to be extremely sad.
  • To be browned off = to be bored.
  • To be downhearted = to feel sad.
  • To have a long face = to look unhappy.

  • To be in a cold sweat = to be in a state of shock or fear.
  • To be rooted to the spot = to be unable to move through fear.
  • To be scared to death = to be extremely frightened.
  • To go white as a sheet = to go pale through fear or shock.

  • To be keyed up = to be excited, tense.
  • To be like a cat on hot bricks = to feel nervous and unable to stand still.
  • To be on tenterhooks = to be uncertain and anxious about what is going to happen.
  • To have something on one's mind = to have a problem that is worrying you.

  • To be all at sea = to be puzzled and bewildered.
  • To be at sixes and sevens = to be uncertain and confused.
  • To be out of one's depth = to be in a situation which is difficult for you to cope with.

  • To be hopping mad = to be really angry.
  • To be hot under the collar = to be annoyed or embarrassed.
  • To go off at the deep end = to lose your temper, to become very angry.
  • To go spare = to lose your temper.

  • To be gobsmacked = to be very surprised.
  • That's a turn up for the books! = you say it when something surprising happens.
  • You could have knocked me down with a feather! = you say it to emphasize how surprised you were when you heard something.

  • To have a go at somebody = to criticize somebody angrily.
  • To tear somebody off a strip = to speak angrily to somebody because they have done something wrong.
  • To avoid somebody like the plague = to avoid somebody completely.
  • To cut somebody down to size = to reduce somebody's sense of their own importance.

This are the type of idioms based on the different types of emotionzZZZZZzzzz....
They are many more but this are the most common situation that we do daily 
face those here they are to expressed in a LITERAL MEANING...

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