Monday, November 15, 2010

It is L.O.V.E. that i FEEL....( emotion according to the quote)

What does the quote impact my emotion into?????  - LOVE

Love is the answer to my quote. It is filled with the voices of love.
1st of all what is love ??? Have you thought about it? You and I live in a world of love most of time thought hatred may be in the presents but some part of us lies this emotion called
 Well love may be just be a emotion if you dun put your heart and soul to you. You got to feel, make it be a part of you .. filled in your blood running through your veins giving you oxygen to carry on life.
 To me this is what LOVE meanzzZZZZzzz  :

1) To trust and to never believe a third part when it comes to love.
2) To forgive and forget each other
3) To always be there through thick n thin
4) To be there as friend to make a comfortable conversation at times
5) Understanding 
6) To be a good listener 
7) To be humble 
8) To be extra unique then others
9) Sharing every single bit you have together 
10) AlwayZZZZZzzz never let go no matter what happenzzz  =)

Here are some inspirational words more or like postcards love

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