Monday, November 1, 2010

BLACK keys and WHITE keys of a piano too effects emotionZZZZ... =)

How Does Music Affect Emotions?

The melody of a music plays a song of emotion to your HEART.

Have you ever listened to the music in horror movies? What about the music in inspirational or Disney movies? What kind of music do you listen to when your sad? What kind of music do you listen to when you are happy?? Since we are all human beings we all experience joy, anger, sadness and other feelings like those. We all have a ton of emotions that control how we act and what we say. Our emotions are triggered by many things. One of those things is Music.

Music has the ability to change the emotional and physical status of people, whether they are in bad moods, good moods, or sad moods. Music can also make people feel suspense or excitement during a movie. I have first hand experience with having music change my mind set and having music make me feel better about things. I have also done research on this subject. Everyone in this room has had music affect them in some way. Whether it be through a movie or thought a CD. Over the next 6 minutes I will touch on the different ways that music changes peoples moods; How music can make your emotions change and how music makes movies suspenseful or inspiring. The music in movies is so much more than just drums or guitars. It has a specific meaning to the movie. 

Here are few links for love emotional songs....

Here are few links for sad emotional songs...

Here are few links for happy emotions...

Here are few links for angry emotions...

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